Here are some of our latest developments

lately we were working with some card material ..

here is the link:,%20%20Altstadt-Lehel%20-%2080331%20Altheimer%20Eck%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%201

it shows the center of the city Munich.

Search works as follows:

enter some search param - city in Bavaria - (for the actual test the maps form Bavaria where downloaded - form map factory)

The requirement for the task is as follows:

be able to search syntactically + semantic search (which will be improved in one of the next steps) + search spatial.

Spatial search more ore less relies on polygons.
(which means, a street is also a polygon) - which is nice, when i comes to render streets and buildings - but not practical to search addresses.

So here is the goal to search by text (semantic/syntactic) + search spatial - "show me all buildings in this polygon" - which can be an area in a city ..




Kalikoe is a social media game we developed. 

Quentin Allen is the owner of and brought in the basic ideas of adding game elements to social media platforms.

It consits of two parts:

the website (link above)


and an app that can be downloaded on the download site.

(wanted to save some time and used a module .. ) You need to agree to the no licence agreement at the bottom to download.

Not happy with it .. but it works.